Peer-Reviewed Articles
*Corresponding Author, **MSc/PhD Students
Bhandari, R., C. Sarangi*, M. Sebastian**, R.K. Hooda, A.-P. Hyvärinen, E. Asmi, V. Vakkari, G. Pandithurai, S.N. Singh, V. Soni, T. Nieminen, Tuomo; van Zyl, Pieter G., K. Jars, L. Laakso, D. Beddows, R. Harrison, P. Beukes, N. Kalivitis, N. Mihalopoulos, I. Salma, M. Vörösmarty, L.-H. Young, Z. Watson, S.-H. Lee, M. Pikridas, J. Sciare, T. Jokinen, V.P. Kanawade*, Identification of new particle formation events using Deep Learning algorithm, in review, 2025.
Deot, N., V.P. Kanawade*, A. Papetta, R. Baalbaki, M. Pikridas, F. Marenco, M. Kulmala, J. Sciare, K. Lehtipalo, T. Jokinen*, Effect of planetary boundary layer evolution on new particle formation events over Cyprus, Aerosol Research Discuss. 2025. LINK
Kanawade, V.P. and Tuija Jokinen, Atmospheric amines are a crucial yet missing link in Earth’s climate via airborne aerosol production, Nature Communications: Earth & Environment, 6, 98, 2025. LINK
Victor, J. P. Buchunde, M. Sebastian**, V.P. Kanawade, D. Siingh, S. Mukherjee, S. Potdar, T. Dharmaraj, and G. Pandithurai, Characteristics of new particle formation events in a mountain semi-rural location in India, Atmospheric Environment, 324, 2024, LINK.
Vemula, V**., V.P. Kanawade* and A.C. Narayana, Association between sea-land breeze and particulate matter in five coastal urban locations in India, Science of the Total Environment, 913, 2024, LINK
Sagar, V.K.**, K.A. Laxmi, R.K. Nayak, S. Fadnavis, V.P. Kanawade, Chemical kinetics of near-surface ozone at a suburban location in India, Front. Environ. Sci: Atmosphere and Climate, 11, 2023, LINK
Singh, A., Raj, S.S., Panda, U., S. M. Kommula, C. Jose, T. Liu, S. Huang, B. Swain, M. L. Pöhlker, E. Reyes-Villegas, N. Ojha, A. Vaishya, A. Bigi, R. Ravikrishna, Q. Zhu, L. Shi, J. Allen, S. T. Martin, G. McFiggans, M. O. Andreae, U. Pöschl, H. Coe, F. Bianchi, H. Su, V. P. Kanawade, P. Liu & Sachin S. Gunthe, Rapid growth and high cloud-forming potential of anthropogenic sulfate aerosol in a thermal power plant plume during COVID lockdown in India. npj Clim Atmos Sci 6, 109, 2023. LINK
Mishra, S., Tripathi, S.N., Kanawade, V.P., Haslett, S.L., Dada, L., Ciarelli, G., Kumar, V., Singh, A., Bhattu, D., Rastogi, N., Daellenbach, K.R., Ganguly, D., Gargava, P., Slowik, J.G., Kulmala, M., Mohr, C., El-Haddad, I., Prevot, A.S.H. Rapid night-time nanoparticle growth in Delhi driven by biomass-burning emissions. Nature Geoscience 16, 224–230, 2023. LINK
Bhattacharya, A.**, A. Thomas**, V.K. Soni, P.S. Roy, C. Sarangi, and V.P. Kanawade*, Opposite trends in heat waves and cold waves over India, Journal of Earth System Science, 132,67, 2023. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, Zhao Y and Lee S-H, Editorial: Atmospheric aerosol particle formation and growth. Frontier in Environmental Science 10:1034285. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1034285, 2022.
Roy, P. S., R.M. Ramachandran, O. Paul, P.K. Thakur, S. Ravan, M.D. Behera, C. Sarangi and V.P. Kanawade, Anthropogenic Land use and land cover changes – a review on its environmental consequences and climate change, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2022.
Sebastian, M.**, S.K. Kompalli, A.V. Kumar, S. Jose, S.S. Babu, G. Pandithurai, S. Singh, R. K. Hooda, V. K. Soni, J. R. Pierce, V. Vakkari, E. Asmi, D. M. Westervelt, A.-P. Hyvärinen, and V.P. Kanawade*: Observations of particle number size distributions and new particle formation in six Indian locations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2022. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, Mathew Sebastian**, and P. Dasari, Reduction in anthropogenic emissions suppressed new particle formation and growth: Insights from the COVID-19 lockdown, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 127, 2022. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, Mathew Sebastian**, R. K. Hooda, A.-P. Hyvärinen, Atmospheric new particle formation in India: Current understanding and knowledge gaps, Atmospheric Environment, 270, 118894, 2021. LINK
Kaustav Chakravarty, Arun Nair**, Praful Yadav, Rupali Bhangale, P.Murugavel, V.P. Kanawade, J. Mohmmad, K.S.Hosalikar, and G.Pandithurai, Characteristics of precipitation microphysics during Tropical Cyclone Nisarga (2020) over an orographic region of Western Ghat in Indian sub-continent, Atmospheric Research, 264, 2021. LINK
Sebastian, M.**, V.P. Kanawade*, and J. Pierce, Observations of sub-3nm particles and new particle formation at an urban location in India. Atmospheric Environment, 256, 2021. LINK
Sebastian, M.**, V.P. Kanawade*, et al., New Particle Formation and Growth to Climate‐relevant Aerosols at a background remote Site in the Western Himalaya. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, 2021. LINK
Thomas, A.**, V.P. Kanawade*, et al., Effect of COVID-19 shutdown on aerosol direct radiative forcing over the Indo-Gangetic Plain outflow region of the Bay of Bengal. Science of the Total Environment, 2021. LINK
Srivastava, A.K., A. Thomas**, R.K. Hooda, V.P. Kanawade, A.P. Hyvarinen, D.S. Bisht, S. Tiwari, How secondary inorganic aerosols from Delhi influence aerosol optical and radiative properties at a downwind sub-urban site over Indo-Gangetic Basin? Atmospheric Environment, 2021. LINK
Srivastava, A.K., P. Bhoyar, V.P. Kanawade, D. Panuganti, A.Thomas** & V.K. Soni. Improved air quality at an urban megacity over the Indo-Gangetic Basin: From stringent to relaxed lockdown phases. Urban Climate, 2021. LINK
Vemula, V**., V.P. Kanawade* and A.C. Narayana, Spatio-temporal variability of near-surface air pollutants at four distinct geographical locations in Andhra Pradesh State of India, Environmental Pollution, 115899, 2021. LINK
Thomas, A.**, V.P. Kanawade*, K. Chakravarty, A.K. Srivastava, Characterization of raindrop size distributions and its response to cloud microphysical properties, Atmospheric Research, 249, 2021. LINK, Corrigendum
Krishnamoorthy, S., Muthalagu, A., Priyamvada, H., S. Akkal, A. E. Valsan, R. Raghunathan, V.P. Kanawade, and Sachin S. Gunthe, On distinguishing the natural and human-induced sources of airborne pathogenic viable bioaerosols: characteristic assessment using advanced molecular analysis. SN Applied Sciences 2, 1162 (2020). LINK
Phillips, V.T.J., M. Forementon, V.P. Kanawade, Linus Karlsson, Sachin Patade, Jiming Sun, Christelle Barthe, Jean-Pierre Pinty, Andrew G. Detwiler, Weitao Lyu, and Sarah A. Tessendorf, Multiple environmental influences on the lightning of cold-based continental cumulo-nimbus clouds. Part I: Description and validation of model, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 77, 12, 2020. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, et al., Chemical characterization of sub–micron aerosols during new particle formation in an urban atmosphere, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 20: 1294–1305, 2020. LINK
Nair, A.**, S. Das, A. Thomas**, C. Sarangi, and V.P. Kanawade*, Role of Cyclone “Ockhi” in the re-distribution of aerosols and its impact on the precipitation over the Arabian Sea, Atmospheric Research, 2020. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, et al., What caused severe air pollution episode of November 2016 in New Delhi?, Atmospheric Environment, 222, 2020. LINK
Thomas, A.** C. Sarangi and V.P. Kanawade*, Recent increase in winter hazy days over Central India and the Arabian Sea, Scientific Reports, 9, 2019. LINK
Sarangi, C., V.P. Kanawade*, et al., Aerosol-induced intensification of cooling effect of clouds during Indian Summer Monsoon,9, Nature Communications, 2018. LINK
Srivastava, A.K., A. Misra, V.P. Kanawade, et al., Aerosol characteristics in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere region during successive and contrasting Indian summer monsoon season, Atmospheric Environment, 172, 46-52, 2018. LINK
Bhavani, P., P.S. Roy, V. Chakravarthi and V.P. Kanawade, Satellite remote sensing for monitoring agricultural growth and agricultural drought vulnerability using long-term (1982-2015) climate variability and socio-economic dataset, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India, Section A Physical Sciences, 1-18, 2017. LINK
Yu, Huan, L. Ren. and V.P. Kanawade*, New particle formation and growth mechanisms in highly polluted environments, Current Pollution Reports, 1-9, 2017. LINK
Thamban, N., S.N. Tripathi, Shamjad P. Moosakutty, P. Kuntamukkala and V.P. Kanawade, Internally mixed black carbon in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and its effect on absorption enhancement, Atmospheric Research, 197, 211-223, 2017. LINK
Phillips, V. T. J., J.-I. Yano, M. Formenton, E. Ilotoviz, V.P. Kanawade, I. Kudzotsa, J. Sun, A. Bansemer, A. Khain, and S. Tessendorf, Ice multiplication by break-up in ice-ice collisions. Part 2: Numerical simulations, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2017. LINK
Sarangi, C., S.N. Tripathi, V.P. Kanawade, I. Koren, and S. Pai, Investigation of the aerosol-cloud-rainfall association over Indian Summer Monsoon region, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 5185-5204, 2017. LINK
Yu, H., L. Dai, V.P. Kanawade, S. N. Tripathi , X. Ge , M. Chen and S-H. Lee, Laboratory observations of temperature- and humidity-dependencies of nucleation and growth rates of sub-3 nm particles, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 122(3),1919-1929, 2017. LINK
Lee, S.-H. J. Uin, A.B. Guenther, J. Gouw, A.H. Goldstein, A.B. Nadykto, F. Yu, J. Herb, N. Ng, A. Koss, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, L.D. Yee, K. Olson, J. Sanchezh, L. Xu, W. Brune, K. Baumann, V.P. Kanawade, F. Keutschm, D.B. Millet, and A. Nenes, Isoprene suppression of new particle formation: Potential mechanisms and implications, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121, 2016. LINK
Misra, A., V.P. Kanawade, and S.N. Tripathi, Quantitative assessment of AOD from 17 CMIP5 models based on satellite derived AOD over India, Annales Geophysicae, 34,657-671, 2016. LINK
Srivastava, A.K., A. Misra, V.P. Kanawade, and P.C.S. Devara, Aerosol characteristics in the UTLS region: A satellite-based study over north India, Atmospheric Environment, 125, 222-230, 2016. LINK
Yano, Jun-ichi., V.T.J. Phillips, and V.P. Kanawade, Explosive ice multiplication by mechanical breakup in ice-ice collision: A dynamical-system based study, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2015. LINK
Kamra, A.K., D.K. Siingh, A.S. Gautam, V.P. Kanawade, S.N. Tripathi, and A.K. Srivastava, Ion-aerosol interactions during new particle formation events at a tropical location, Pune, India, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,141,3140-3156, 2015. LINK
Ningombam, S.S., A.K. Srivastava, S.P. Bagare, R.B. Singh, V.P. Kanawade, and N. Dorjey, Assessment of aerosol optical and micro-physical features retrieved from direct and diffuse solar irradiance measurements from Skyradiometer at a high altitude station at Merak, Environmental Science Pollution Research, 1-10, 2015. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, S.N. Tripathi, D.K. Siingh, A.S. Gautam, A.K. Srivastava, A.K. Kamra V.K. Soni and V. Sethi, Observations of new particle formation at two distinct Indian subcontinental urban locations, Atmospheric Environment, 96, 2014. LINK
Gaur, A., S.N. Tripathi, V.P. Kanawade*, V. Tare and S.P. Shukla, Four-year measurements of trace gases (SO2, NOx, CO, and O3) at an urban location, Kanpur, in Northern India, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 2014. LINK
Yu, H., J. Ortega, J.N. Smith, A.B. Guenther, V.P. Kanawade, Y. You, Y. Liu, K. Hosman, T. Karl, R. Seco, S.G. Pallardy, L. Gu, J. Mikkilä, and S.-H. Lee, New particle formation and growth in an isoprene-dominated Ozark forest: From sub-5 nm to CCN-active sizes, Aerosol Science & Technology, 48(12), 2014. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, S.N. Tripathi, D. Bhattu, and P.M. Shamjad, Sub-micron particle size distributions characteristics at an urban location, Kanpur, in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Atmospheric Research, 147-148, 2014. LINK
You, Y., V.P. Kanawade, J.A. de Gouw, A.B. Guenther, S. Madronich, M.R. Sierra-Hernández, M. Lawler, J.N. Smith, S. Takahama, G. Ruggeri, A. Koss, K. Olson, K. Baumann, R.J. Weber, A. Nenes, H. Guo, E.S. Edgerton, L. Porcelli, W.H. Brune, A.H. Goldstein, and S.-H. Lee, Atmospheric amines and ammonia measured with a Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (CIMS), Atmospheric Chemistry, and Physics, 14, 2014. LINK
Ningombam, S.S., A.K. Srivastava, V.P. Kanawade, R.B. Singh, and S.K. Pandey, Temporal asymmetry in aerosol optical characteristics: A case study at a high-altitude station, Hanle, in Ladakh region, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 121, 2014. LINK
Srivastava, A.K., V.K. Soni, S. Singh, V.P. Kanawade, N. Singh, S. Tiwari and S.D. Attri, An early South Asian dust storm during March 2012 and its impacts on Indian Himalayan foothills: A case study, Science of the Total Environment, 493, 2014. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, S. Shika, C. Pöhlker, D. Rose, M.N.S. Suman, H. Gadhavi, A. Kumar, S.M. Shiva Nagendra, R. Ravikrishna, H. Yu, L.K. Sahu, A. Jayaraman, M.O. Andreae, U. Pöschl, and S.S. Gunthe, Infrequent occurrence of new particle formation at a semi-rural location, Gadanki, in Southern tropical India, Atmospheric Environment, 94, 2014. LINK
Yu, H. A.G. Hallar, Y. You, A. Sedlacek, S. Springston, V.P. Kanawade, Y.N. Lee, J. Wang, C. Kuang, R. L. McGraw, I. McCubbin, J. Mikkila and S.-H. Lee, Sub-3 nm particles observed at the coastal and continental sites in the United States, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 119, 2014. LINK
Ningombam, S.S., S.P. Bagare, N. Sinha, R.B. Singh, A.K. Srivastava, E. Larson, and V.P. Kanawade, Characterization of aerosol optical properties over the high altitude station Hanle, in the trans-Himalayan region, Atmospheric Research, 138, 2013. LINK
D'Andrea, S.D., S.A.K. Häkkinen, D.M. Westervelt, C. Kuang, E.J.T. Levin, V.P. Kanawade, W.R. Leaitch, D.V. Spracklen, I. Riipinen, and J.R. Pierce, Understanding global secondary organic aerosol amount and size-resolved condensational behaviour, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 2013. LINK
L.–H. Young, S.–H. Lee, V.P. Kanawade, T.–C. Hsiao, Y.L. Lee, B.–F. Hwang, Y.–J. Liou, H.–T. Hsu, and P.–J. Tsai, New particle growth and shrinkage observed in subtropical environments, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 2013. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, D.B. Benson, and S.–H. Lee, Statistical analysis of 4–year observations of aerosol sizes in a semi-rural continental environment, Atmospheric Environment, 39, 2012. LINK
Srivastava, A.K., S.N. Tripathi, S. Dey, V.P. Kanawade, and S. Tiwari, Inferring aerosol composition over the Indo–Gangetic basin from ground-based sunphotometer measurements, Atmospheric Research, 109–110, 2012. LINK
Srivastava, A.K., S. Singh, S. Tiwari, V.P. Kanawade, and D.S. Bisht, Variation between near-surface and columnar aerosol characteristics during the winter and summer at Delhi in the Indo-Gangetic Basin, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 77, 2012. LINK
Kanawade, V.P.*, B. Jobson, A.B. Guenther, M.E. Erupe, S.N. Pressely, S.N. Tripathi, and S.–H. Lee, Isoprene suppression of new particle formation in a mixed deciduous forest, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 2011. LINK
Parker, R.J., J.J. Remedios, D.P. Moore, and V.P. Kanawade, Acetylene C2H2 retrievals from MIPAS data and regions of enhanced upper-tropospheric concentrations in August 2003, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 2011. LINK
Ghude, S.D., S.H. Kulkarni, P.S. Kulkarni, V.P. Kanawade, S. Fadnavis, S. Pokhrel, C. Jena, G. Beig and D. Bortoli, Anomalous low tropospheric column ozone over Eastern India during 2002 severe drought event: A case study, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 18, 2011. LINK
Ghude, S.D., G. Beig, P.S. Kulkarni, V.P. Kanawade, S. Fadnavis, and J.J. Remedios, Regional CO pollution over the Indian–subcontinent and various transport pathways as observed by MOPITT, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32, 2011. LINK
Iwanski, R., A. Odzimek, L. Clausen, V.P. Kanawade, I. Cnossen, and N. Edberg, Meteorological study of the first observation of red sprites from Poland, Acta Geophysica, 57, 2009. LINK
Tare, V., S.N. Tripathi, N. Chinnam, A.K. Srivastava, S. Dey, M. Manar, V.P. Kanawade, A. Agarwal, S. Kishore, R.B. Lal and M. Sharma, Measurement of atmospheric parameters during ISRO-GBP land campaign II at a typical location in Ganga basin: Part–II–Chemical properties, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 111, 2006. LINK
Tripathi, S.N., V. Tare, N. Chinnam, A.K. Srivastava, S. Dey, A. Agarwal, S. Kishore, R.B. Lal, M. Manar, V.P. Kanawade, S.S.S. Chauhan and M. Sharma, Measurement of atmospheric parameters during ISRO-GBP land campaign II at a typical location in Ganga basin: Part-I-Physical and optical properties, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 111, 2006. LINK
Kanawade, V.P. and S.N. Tripathi, Evidence for the role of ion-induced particle formation during an atmospheric nucleation event observed in TOPSE, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 111, 2006. LINK
Young, L.–H., S.–H. Lee, V.P. Kanawade, et al., Atmospheric observations of new particle growth and shrinkage, 19th ICNAA, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1527 426-429, 2013.
Odzimek, A., L.B.N. Clausen, V.P. Kanawade, et al., SPARTAN Sprite–Watch campaign 2007, YSC15 Proceedings, 200
Remedios, J.J., R. Parker, D. Moore, V.P. Kanawade, et al., Infra–red sensing for the retrieval of tropospheric composition from space, The remote sensing of atmospheric constituents from space: ACCENT–TROPSAT–2 (AT2) Report, edited by J. Burrows and P. Borrell, 2007.
Book Chapters
Bhavani, P., R. Das, M. Jamilah, V.P. Kanawade, C. Biradar, P.S. Roy, 2022, Impact of Climate Extremes on Agriculture and Land Use Dynamic over Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra. In: Vadrevu, K.P., Le Toan, T., Ray, S.S., Justice, C. (eds) Remote Sensing of Agriculture and Land Cover/Land Use Changes in South and Southeast Asian Countries. Springer, Cham., LINK
Kanawade, V.P., Arun, N., C. Sarangi, A. Thomas., 2022. Study of Aerosol – Cloud Interaction over Indian region using satellite remote sensing. Book Chapter in Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications, 1st Edition. Elsevier Publications. ISBN: 9780323992626, LINK
Conferences/Workshops (Selected)
Kanawade, V.P. et al., When does new particle formation occur in an urban atmosphere during dry winter in India? European Aerosol Conference (EAC), 25-30 August 2023, Tampere, Finland.
Kanawade, V.P. et al., Characteristics of size-segregated particle number concentrations in an urban location in India, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 14-19 April 2024, Vienna Austria.
Kanawade, V.P. et al., Reduction in anthropogenic emissions inhibited the growth of sub-3nm particles during the COVID-19 lockdown, National Symposium on Tropical Meteorology, TROPMET 2022, 29 Nov. – 02 Dec. 2022, IISER Bhopal.
Sebastian, M.**, V.P. Kanawade et al., “New particle formation and growth suppressed during COVID-19 lockdown in urban Hyderabad”, International Conference on Environmental Science and Engineering, 20 – 22 Jan 2022, ESED, IIT-Bombay
Sebastian, M.**, V.P. Kanawade, and Jeffrey Pierce, Frequent occurrence of sub-3nm particles in an urban location in India, AGU Fall Meeting, 13-17 December 2021.
Thomas, A.**, V.P. Kanawade, et al., Characterization of raindrop size distributions and its response to cloud microphysical properties,TROPMET 2020 - Virtual national symposium on Weather and Climate Services over Mountainous regions, 14 - 17 December, 2020
Sebastian, M.**, V.P. Kanawade, and Jeffrey Pierce, Observation of sub-3nm particles and new particle formation in an urban location in peninsular India, TROPMET 2020 - Virtual national symposium on Weather and Climate Services over Mountainous regions, 14 - 17 December, 2020
Sebastian, M.**, V.P. Kanawade, et al., New Particle Formation and Growth to Climate-relevant Aerosols at a High Altitude Site in the Western Himalaya – Ranichauri, Aerosol, Air Quality, Climate Change and Impact on Water Resources and Livelihoods in the Greater Himalayas, 14-16 September 2020.
Thomas, A.**, V.P. Kanawade, C. Sarangi, 'Increasing trend of Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing over Indian region and adjoining Seas, 5th International Skynet Workshop, Indian Meteorological Department, New Delhi, 13 - 15, February 2019.
Thomas, A.**, C. Sarangi, V.P. Kanawade, Recent increase in winter hazy days over central India and the Arabian sea, 4th Atmospheric Composition and Asian Monsoon workshop, UKM, Bangi, Malaysia, 25 - 28 June 2019.
Srivastava, A. K., D. Kumar, A. Misra, V.P. Kanawade, S. Tiwari, P. C. S. Devara: Aerosol characteristics in the UTLS over the Indian summer monsoon region during successive and contrasting monsoon season. Rajasthan Science Congress-2017 at Amity University, Jaipur, India during 13-15 October 2017.
Kanawade, V.P. et al., Chemical characterization of submicron particles during atmospheric new particle formation at an urban location in Indo-Gangetic Plain, Workshop on Urban pollution in Indian and UK cities, IIT Delhi, 28 Nov. - 01 December 2016.
Sarangi, C., S.N. Tripathi, V.P. Kanawade, et al., Aerosol-cloud-rainfall associations over Indo-Gangetic basin, Gold-Schmidt, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015.
L.–H. Young, S.–H. Lee, V.P. Kanawade, et al., Atmospheric observations of new particle growth and shrinkage, 19th ICNAA, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2013.
Kanawade, V.P., et al., Contribution of ion nucleation to new particle formation in a tropical urban environment, IASTA, 11–13 December 2012.
Kanawade, V.P., et al., Isoprene suppression of new particle formation in a mixed deciduous forest, AGU Fall meeting, 5–9 December 2011.
Kanawade, V.P., and Shan–Hu Lee, Seasonal variation of particle formation rate, growth rate and particle number concentration in a rural United States continental environment: A possible link to air mass history, 30th AAAR Annual Conference, 3–7 October 2011.
Kanawade, V.P., et al., New particle formation observed under the sulfur plume influence in the North American forests during the CABINEX–2009 campaign, 29th AAAR Annual Conference, 26–29 October 2010.
Kanawade, V.P. et al., Seasonal variation and long term trends in carbon monoxide as observed from MOPITT and SCIAMACHY, 10th IGAC International Conference, Annecy, France, 6–12 September 2008.
Parker, R., V.P. Kanawade, et al., Observation of non–methane hydrocarbons in biomass burning plumes using satellite instruments, EGU Conference, Vienna, Austria, 13–18 April 2008.
Odzimek, A., L. B. N. Clausen, V.P. Kanawade, et al., SPARTAN Sprite–Watch campaign 2007, 15th Young Scientists' Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine, 14–19 April 2008.
Odzimek, A., L. B. N. Clausen, V.P. Kanawade, et al., First observations of red sprites from Poland by UK Young Scientists, The RAS National Astronomy Meeting, 31 March – 4 April, 2008.
Remedios, John J., G. K. Corlett, V.P. Kanawade, et al., Leicester Studies of the quality of IASI spectra through infra–red radiative transfer simulations, 1st IASI Conference, Anglet, France, 13–16 November 2007.
Kanawade, V.P. and J. Remedios, Study of information content of MOPITT CO profile: Comparison with SCIAMACHY, 2nd ACCENT Symposium, Italy, 23–27 July 2007.
Parker, R., V.P. Kanawade, et al., Detection Of organic compounds in biomass burning plumes, RMets Conference, Edinburgh, 2007.
Kanawade, V.P. and S. N. Tripathi, What triggers particle nucleation during TOPSE atmospheric nucleation event?, Asian Aerosol Conference, December 2005.
Kanawade, V.P. and S. N. Tripathi, Model prediction of sulfuric acid in the tropical/subtropical cirrus clouds as a part of CRYSTAL–FACE mission, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 5–9 December 2005.
Kanawade, V.P. and S. N. Tripathi, Model studies on atmospheric ion–induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water: Interpretation of in–situ measurements, First European Space Weather Week, ESTEC, The Netherlands, 29 November–3 December, 2004.
Kanawade, V.P., et al., Study of trace species NO2 and O3 by zenith sky spectrometer, XIII National Space Science Symposium, Kottayam, India, 17–20 February 2004.